I am 67 years old. This past spring I was jogging 30 minutes a day, four days a week, on my treadmill. Toward the end of the spring, my right foot began to ache. It was diagnosed, via MRI, as a compression bruise on the heel (the mid-foot inside area). My foot was placed in a cast for two months this summer, followed by a month in a walking boot. The orthopedic doctor stated the walking boot was no longer needed. He did say that the only exercise I should engage in for the following three months is some type of bicycle. Initially the foot was red and swollen. Now the swelling and redness are gone. The foot seems to now be healed. However, here is the hitch in my situation. About a month ago (two months out of the walking boot?), both of my feet, both of my knees, and my right hip joint began to ache whenever I was on my feet for a couple of hours. Also, if I rode my bicycle for more than around 15 minutes, my hip joint would ache. I am a college professor by trade, and I have a Monday night class. By the end of the class, the pain from walking is so intense I can barely make it down the stairs. The earliest I could schedule a rheumatologist is nearly two months off. I am open to any advice or opinions at this point. I did read that if this is a type of arthritis condition, it is essential to begin treatment immediately. Please advise.