Starting 5years ago or so, I began to have this mysterious stabbing pain, like with sharp nail. The pain is very much like a toothache at slower interval, every 15seconds or so, continuously stabbing and pulsing pain through out the days, until it disappears. It lasts for 3 -4 days at times, a few episodes a year in the past. I endured those attacks without the pain medicine.
With each episode, it attacks the different parts of body, but it attacks the same spot continuously during the episode. It attacked in the past; lower side of my waist, front or back of left and right thigh.
The Last episode was about a month ago, middle of my right thigh, it last longer than a few days to my surprise. And now, a month later, it’s attacking the behind the ear area, it feels like stabbing migraine but not in the head. I took one velum this morning given by a friend, but I can still feel the poking and nagging pain.
What would you recommend me to do at this point?
Which doctor should I visit?
Thank you much for your advice.