I have a few questions about the symptoms and restoring my body to how it was. I may have been excessivy ejaculating and most of the symptoms are thins that I have (due to research). Lower back pain, rarely having.morning erections, impotency (my seamen is very waterlike), and I feel as if my penis is not as strong, large, and healthy as it used to be. I also read that it.drains your body of HGH and other things, leaving you tired and bioenergy deprived, causing sleep deprivation and a lack of muscle growth which also both relate to me. I have been masterbating 2+ every day at least for a while, just been stressed out. Anything I could do to reverse the effects, I know step 1 is stop masturbating, but I want to reverse the effects and go back to feeling healthy and not having pain in my testicles and lower back all of the time.