Thank you for posting your question to HCM.
From what you are describing looks like you have been
underweight for long time now.
Irritable bowel syndrome does not cause
weight loss, and if it did, that would be considered a bad sign.
And no,
masturbation is not cause of weight loss.
Since, the medical check-ups came out normal, I would say that you may need to gain weight with the same measures that every person with a high
metabolism does. It will need some time, but is not impossible. For males, its easier too.
-- Eat all the meals, with healthy foods, but high in proteins. If you can, put some snacks in between.
-- Gym helps...the instructor will recommend exredcises that will help you grow muscles, so the extra calories will not go into fat, but in body mass.
This is what I recommend my patients. It will need at least 8 weeks to see the results. With hard work, it can be done. There are also some nice applications you can use that can help you to keep track of your calories and give other tips and advises to succeed.
If you have any other question, feel free to ask.
Take care.
Dr. Klarida Papaqako.