I am a 28 yr old woman recently diagnosed with diabetes. the problem i have now have been ongoing since i was 16yrs old. I never had periods. The only time I have them is when I'm on birth control pills(in which i get so sick off them, i can't eat and my tummy hurts). I was given many diagnosis from ovarian failure to flat out menopause. I was hoping to get pregnant and last yr i had a chemical pregnancy. Since then i notice my HCG level fluctuate from 3.49 to 13 since the last chemical pregnancy which my highest level was 30. Still yet no periods. I have been placed on provera 5 times, nothing worked, birth control pills worked but make me sick beyond control. the ultrasound shows my reproductive organs of normal size and character, no blocked tubes. my husband and i so want to start a family, but how if i never had a period?