My left hip joint seems to have seized. I have had x-ray & ultrasound approximately 12 months ago which revealed bursitis. It corrected itself without medication. Thursday week it attacked again with very limited movement lasting about 12 hours then totally gone, I did take one Celebrex. Reoccurred last night midly so I took another Celebrex with dinner, this morning no improvement, went to work as usual but by lunchtime found it almost unbearable, so I took one Panadol Plus. That took the overall pain away from my body, but gradually the joint just stopped allowing any movement at all. If I attempt to move the joint into another position it causes massive pain. If I am still, there is no pain. I can walk around but find I am just slowly dragging the left side of my body. I am 61 years of age and take no medication apart from the three tablets I have just mentioned.