my husband age 68, 5;9 has diabites, copd, high blood pressure; he was passing out; was put in hospital and they took him off all blood pressure meds; he was fine then 3 weeks later couldnt breathe; went to er and he was swollen with fluid around heart, legs etc; was put back on blood pressure/hctz; hospital and dr said heart was fine when he was in hospital for 4 days; then suddenly he is told he has congestive heart failure; enlarged heart; heart is pumping only at 33; he has two small blockages they said too small; they increased his blood pressure, put him on potassium; why were we told his heart was good from heart dr in one hospital then told he has congestive heart failure, enlarged heart and 33 pump from another dr; I am frightened he is going to die; all they are doing is monitering his bp med and potissum