Hi my name is Eman. I am a 23 year old female I want to give you the complete story so that you can understand my problem maybe better. In 2010 or 2011 I feel on my back and I started to hyperventilate, after a couple of months I started to have chest pains, my heartbeat is really fast, I get short breaths. My doctor had me do a lot of tests and found out I have a mild valve prolapse. I went to a heart doctor and asked him some questions he told me I can live normally with that for the rest of my life. But my heart rate is always fast, resting my heartbeat rate is over 90, I am a person who does not exercise at all. I have had a couple of episodes where I start to hyperventilate, or I get chest pain with really fast heartbeats. These symptoms get really bad mostly in the winter, when I am out side and walking to class my heart starts race and I get out of breath easily. I have had many tests done and they all come out with positive results, nothing shows. But I really want to know why I get chest pain, Fast heartbeats just sitting down. My heart also beats really fast before I go to bed and when I wake up it reaches about a 100. I also want to know about any medications that help this issue. Also is it true that with age my heart muscles will get weaker because of the fast beats? My doctor told me about medication that will make my heart go at a normal rate, but said it is my choice to take it now, but if fast heart rate weakens the heart with age shouldn't he be giving me medications to prevent this from happening. What should I do please. My email is YYYY@YYYY