I have medication but haven t a clue what it a for. I suffer from insomnia. I have ambien prescription I take 5 mg crestor for hypertenson, controing to120/80. I also take omeprezole for GERD, and sumatriptan when a migraine starts. I have both dry mouth and dry eyes to a extreme degree. creates bed breath, and is very uncomfortable. I can either chew gum or drink water as directed but with inadequte success. Dr. went over labs and said I needed to drink at least 4 8oz glasses as liver is 1.5, apparently not good. Cholesterol was 222 (Abn: H) a little high.Trig: 98 Hdl: 76. I looked up dry mouth and found an genitic /heridity called Songe and diabetic ref. but I am not diabetic nor does sonje fit!. labs read bun: 26.6(Abn: H) -14.0; EGFR: 54 NORMAL (ABN:L) 56. I saw dr. for HEMATURIA as requested but dr. said not uncommon nor signifant. I have prescription for ondansetron hcl 4 mg. What is it aimed at? substituted for zofran 4 gm tablet Instructs 1 tablet every 4 hours for nausea. Should I toss it? please reply. not a problem nor significant.