I'm 28yo male, 5 '9 "tall, and 200 lb.
I was leaning forward today (my back was about 60 degrees) and i was holding a not so heavy iron clothes, and suddenly I heard a quite pop and felt pain in my lower back (a little lower than the height of my bellybutton).
I'm able to walk, sit down and stand up, but even that my posture looks right, I feel that I'm leaning forward a small bit, and I'd feel pain if i tried to stand fully right. and I do feel pain when leaning forward without holding onto something.
I also feel pain when I try to take wide steps. I can only take small steps.
I never had back injury .. I had usual back pain due to bad mattress but nothing major.
I won't be able to visit doctor till tomorrow so i want to know if this is serious, and how to deal with it until then.
thank you.