I think I have Heart failure, Should I go 2 the doctor?
I have chest pains on & off, or sometimes during nights the chest pains will occur and I can't go to sleep. During rough exercise like running and high impact aerobics the chest pains will worsen and as I am breathing heavily, I feel as if I'm breathing blood/tasting blood. I exercise for a hour 5 days a week and eat sensible, I don't know what wrong with me. I am so scared of going to the doctor b/c america's health care is bad. I'm 17 yrs old and I have a pre-paid child health plus insurance which doesn't really cover everything. So when I do turn 18, I will have to find new insurance, if the insurance company sees that I have a possibilty of heart failure or any kind of disease they will deny me. Any1 who watched Sicko would understand, I have a life ahead of me but I can't be dealing with hostipal/doctor bills when I get 2 college without no health insurance. Which means no doctor visit for me!!!
Also when I was 14 to 16 years old I had bulimia/anorexia
I am not overweight, I'm 5'6 and 140 pounds