Hello, I am a 23 year old female, and I have been having ear pain for about 6 months plus in both ears with chronic mucous in my throat. My symptoms include pain in the neck/ear region (sometimes pounding and sometimes dull), some fluid, sounds like a blown out speaker sometimes when I speek on the phone, sometimes I feel dissoriented, and occational ear peircing/high pitched ringing. I often feel like something is in my inner ear and I can move it(with my ear muscles I suppose). I do have allergies with ear/throat itching. I have been to an ENT and he told me that he cannot see anything wrong, and prescribed me to fluticasone (I try to use regularly, but sometimes forget, plus does not seem to be helping). I declined the hearing test because I had taken 2 throughout my life and all came back normal. Also, growing up I did have chronic wax build up. Any advice? Thanks in advance!