hello doctor, i am 21 years old. i am about 5ft 5 , i weigh 60 kg, i am a female, i am of the blood group AS. i usually have abdominal pain just a little above my pubic area and its usually painful and affects my standing position. whenever this happens, i feel very bloated as my stomach becomes bigger, when this happens, i go to the toilet and after easing my self and letting gas out i feel better. but the problem is, it happens frequently. however, some months back, i had a scan which showed a bulky non gravid anteverted uterus with heterogeneous echo pattern. i have always had the pain even before i had the scan and after also. i also have menstrual cramps during my cycle which lasts at times for a day or two. before the scan, i had a medical abortion in which the pregnancy was about 4 weeks and 3 days old. pls doctor, i am confused and dont know what to do. i need your advice. what is the cause of this abdominal pain? does the M A have any thing to do with my scan result? what can i do ? Thank you