hello all, i have had palpatations for a while now and there getting worse, ive had heart scan and 24 hour ecg test, but i wasnt really getting them then ,, but it came back fine and for the past few days ive been having them non stop all day and all night even wen i go to sleep, i went to docs today and he said take propranolol 40 mgs once a day, will they help me and ease the palps off, im worried i will die from it, can palps kill u , thank u. would Magnesium tablets help too, and wat side effects do u get with propranolol and how long b4 i will see the palps getting better, sorry i just am so worried and think it will kill me and the doctor dont seem interested thanks in advance. i do worry bout them, some times i go get stressed but nothing no more than others, well maybe litle bit more, but the doctor just says its anxiety, but surely that cant cause palps this bad ? thank u to u all, im still worried but if it cant kill me then i should be ok and ill take tablets and does any one know if Magnesium tablets will help too thanks again ok ty i will try to calm down its just hard wen u worry bout it.