I had PRK surgery about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was taking some brussel sprouts out of the oven and felt the 400°F heat blast my eyes. I could feel the almost "sunburn" sensation and immediately applied a couple systane ultra eyes drops. That was at about the 3rd week of surgery. My vision appeared to be getting better prior to that point, however, once this incident occurred, I noticed that my distance vision has been very blurry. Whenever I put eyedrops in, my vision clears up for a couple seconds and then resumes being blurry. It has been about a week no since the incident and I am concerned that there is something wrong. When I had my last checkup visit with the eye doctor last week (about 4 days ago) they told me it was due to dry eyes. They placed some drops in my eyes and checked my pressure, saying it was slightly elevated and they want to watch it. I have my next Appt setup in 3 weeks. Any insight or encouragement is welcomed!