I had a Mirena IUS put in over six months ago. On insertion, I was in horrific pain and went into vasovagal shock. Ever since, I have had daily cramps that are so severe that I double over. The pain is very low in my abdomen, almost directly above my mons pubis. Sometimes it is farther to one side or the other, and I tend to swell and tense in that area, where the area feels hard to the touch.
I've also had some very strange discharge the last few weeks, where it looks like a gel-like blood, sometimes with clots, always carried in clear fluid. No scent. It just looks almost like passing real blood.
Sex has been very painful and triggers days of cramps.
I am nulliparous, and concerned that this may just be normal.
Is this something I should expect, and if not, what should I do? What is most likely to be happening?