Hi,am 23 yrs old female,i got my menses on 29 july,after my menses,about 1 week later,i had a problem of abdominal cramps, lower back pain and fever all the time.dr advised me 2 do abdominal and pelvic ultrasound ,it was found that i had small folicles in both ovaries and kidneys were enlarge,i had a low ring thick of endometriosis ,i was given ornidazole tabs,cefdroxil caps.after 3 days,i had severe low back pain,abdominal colic,nausea and fever,i did another scan,which was found I had free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac in the pouch of Douglas.am still in severe pain cant even walk,can i get medicine to cure that,or will it come again ? is it a serious issue ? please doctor answer my question,am worried