Do I Have a Heart Problem? PLEASE HELP ME I AM WORRIED SICK!? I am 17 years old. Sometimes when I am doing exercise (example when I jump super high or spike a volleyball), I overdo it or something like that. After this overdo-ing , my heart rate sometimes suddenly increases so rapidly that I feel a bit weezy or lightheaded, then after about 30 seconds or a minute later, it suddenly drops back to my normal heart rate. Sometimes after one of these attacks , my chest feels a little weird and I seem to not be able to breathe very very deeply without having to get chest pains; when I breathe deeply, it feels like my lungs are injured and can t take the oxygen capacity. This chest pain only happens after the attack and only hurts when I breathe super deeply, it usually lasts until the next day. These attacks are not frequent by the way, they happen on average once every three or four months I think, but they re really unpredictable. Please tell me I DON T have a heart problem, I don t know if I should get it checked... do other people get this as well?