Need Advice please?? I really need you guys to give a honest opinion on what I should do? I have been having very mild chest pain like it would feel some what sharp on my left side of my chest above the breast bone within 1 to 4 sec. then go away No I m not having no difficulty breathing, my arms are no numb no jaw back or shoulder pain My heart does skip a beat every now then every time it does I get very anxious scared like it has been happening yesterday basically last year in the middle of December!! I went to the ER in the middle of December as well they have given a EKG test, took blood work, Urine test , Chest X-ray , took my blood pressure, even performed a Electrocardiogram on me everything came out to be normal, but now these type of feelings have returned I ve heard a decayed tooth can give a heart attack as well, I have had a decayed tooth since 2003 I had a temperley fill-in so I never felt pain this year I recently got it my mouth the Dentist prescribed me medication, I ve only took en this Anti-biotic a couple times What is your advice?