I have been taking Junel Fe 1/20 for 3 months. I'm very nervous about having unprotected sex. My boyfriend and I were fooling around and for lack of a better way to put this, his penis was touching my vagina, however there was no penetration. That was on a Sunday night, when I should have been starting my fourth month of Junel. However, I had not refilled my prescription and therefore, went to bed that night with plans to resolve things the next day. By the time I was able to take my birth control it was about 7:00 pm Monday night - I took both Sunday and Monday's pills.
On Tuesday I got very nervous about getting pregnant. Where I've only been taking it for a little while and I couldn't take it that night, I had been on the sugar pills the week before, I was freaking out, and still am. I went to my local drugstore and purchased Plan B One Step. I took that pill around 12 pm.
Was what I did wrong? Should I still be worried about getting pregnant?
If it helps, when I do have my period, it only lasts about 3 days.