When I was about 18, I wore a 24 hour monitor. I had periods of bradycardia and tachycardia and general arrhythmia. The doctors called it benign and nothing ever was done. Now, I am 30 and I am experiencing the same things that sent me to the doctor in the first place - feeling skips, feeling very fatigued often, feeling mild pain in my chest on and off, cough, and having dizzy spells and periods where it feels weird to breathe. Since they called it benign last time and did nothing, would it even be worth my time, effort, and money to do back? Does anyone else experience this? If you are a doctor, what the *^#$ is wrong with me? Gee whiz, Barry - angry/judgmental much? For those others, do you know if there IS a benign condition that can cause these symptoms? I was reading about a fellow who had an electrical problem and who also experienced the skips. I ve been healthy as the metaphorical horse for the last 11 years - no problems. For this to surface again now is very confusing.