Why dont you talk to your PCP? He/she might be able to help better than your mom.
I don't want to go and have to put anything on the record if I don't have to. I plan on possibly being in the entertainment industry and I don't want it to get out that i had depression unless it is actually something i should b concerned about. also, colleges look at that and are less likely to accept someone with depression. also my school kicks you out if you have a suicide attempt or have to be hospitalized for depression. Sometimes i'm happy but i always overreact about the littlest things and get really iritable at home but not so much in public. I feel really alone alot and at school i put on a face so everyone thinks im really happy but im really not even then although sometimes i am. I cry almost every night though and the though of killing myself has crossed my mind before but never seriously because i know that atleast as of now there is no way i could bring myself to do that.