I am a 31 year old female, pregnant 16 weeks. Over the weekend I developed a rash on the side of my belly, then it spread into two separate rashes to the top of my belly by my chest , and a third rash on my back. The small rash on my back is about an inch in diameter and not too painful, but the other two are 3 to 4 inches in diameter and very irritated and extremely itchy. I have not changed my diet or been exposed (that I know of) to anything that can give me a rash, nor have I had any type of stress. The rashes have bumps, almost look eye-like. The first 2 days the rashes felt as if on fire with extreme itchiness and discomfort. I couldn t fall asleep without grunting from the pain. I wore loose clothing to keep the fabric from touching my skin . The large rashes are sore to the touch as if bruised. The bumps aren t weepy or oozing, some are red, some are clearish in color, and others look as if they are healing , and that is where the eye look comes from. The bumps seem to slowly be spreading outside the rash area. I went to my PCP and was told it is shingles . He prescribed 2.5 cortisone & Valtrex. I have an appointment with my OB-GYN and was told by her to stay home if contagious , and she also told me I should not have shingles due to the age matter. I was not told by my PCP to stay home or that I was contagious, I have continued to go to work. Should I be concerned about the contagious part? Was I given the proper medicine or proper diagnosis for that matter?