I am a 27 year old man. I have no prior chronic health issues. I am quite healthy and fit.
I began masturbating when I was young. Over the last 2 years I indulged in this habit excessively.
Initially i began to notice that I was having weak erections, and patches of dry skin around my eyes and on my arms. I Ignored these signs, but now I have extremely dry scaly skin around my eyes, penis and a patch on the arm. Also problems such as inability to maintain an erection, weak erections, patches of very dry and scaly skin around the penis, arm and eyes, Thin watery semen, lack of sexual desire. From what I have read online, I feel I may have low testosterone. I am now very concerned about my sexual health. I feel depressed about this and will be grateful to anyone who can give me some advice.
I have now stopped masturbating for little more than 2 weeks. I have always exercised regularly, and eat healthy food.
I know recovery depends on each individual but I would like to know.
1) can I recover completely?
2) approximately how long will it take for me to recover ( please tell me how long it usually takes a body in such a state to replinish itself)
3) Can you give me tips to make my recovery faster? ( diet, supplements. etc...)