I am 31 yr old female of average height and weight and have several problems with my back. I have arthritis in my neck, subluxations which cause a lot of mid and upper back pain, as well as my neck and shoulder. I also have a constant muscle vibration that I can feel most noticeably in my thighs, buttocks , back and arms when i am sitting, laying or applying pressure to that area. My husband and I had to get a bed that isolates your partners movement, since he could feel the constant vibration in the bed and it would keep him up. My guess to this is there may a nerve somewhere in my spine or neck that is inflamed perhaps. My question, in relation to all of this, has to do with me a being a hairdresser. I wonder how much hope I can have of ever healing my spine while having this career. I would appreciate some advice on if I should seriously consider changing careers altogether and if this is a losing battle, even with the aid of a chiropractor . Also, what are possible risks in continuing to subject my spine to this stress ?