I have very erratic blood pressure. I have been on medication for high blood pressure for several years, but occasionally have bouts of very low blood pressure, last week it was 87/45 at one point. I recently moved and when I went to my new doctor my pressure was fairly low and he told be to stop taking the BP medication, which I did for a time. However, my BP would occasionally spike to 170/70 so I went back on the medication, preferring to risk passing out versus having a stroke. Over the past couple of weeks it has been fairly low so I once again discontinued taking the medication but when it jumped again yesterday I started taking it again. Yesterday morning it was 155/61 and last evening it was 187/65. This morning it was 139/60 and this evening it was 198/71. My diastolic is always very low, seldom getting into the 70's and usually staying in the 50's. Immediate concern?