Hello all. I am a 15 year old teen ager. Im 5'8" 160lbs. I workout on a 4 day split and am in pretty good overall health, so it seems. For the last few months I have noticed that my gains in the gym have come to almost a complete hault. I haven't been gaining muscle mass and I also haven't been able to increase my workload weight either. Not on is this the problem, but I have no sex drive, which I once had before. Its just gone, I have no desire or anything. I have had sex before when I actually had a sex drive, but now its just gone. I don't have an STD's or any of that stuff, so thats not my problem. I also noticed that Im not as energized as I once was. From what I've researched I may have a low testosterone level, which would seem to explain some things. Can anbody give me some insight of what this may be? Thanks
Hi.. Most of the problem at this young age are most often psychological then actual medical problem.. And so must be your case too.. Though your symptoms can be due to testosterone deficiency, significant contribution from anxiety and stress cannot be denied.. The best option in such a case is to check the hormone levels.. You probably may also have to check your hemoglobin status and for the presence of other medical problems apart from hormone disturbances.. Hence hormone check up and an examination may help in a significant amount in solving the problem...