I self-masturbated by putting my fingers or my foot in my private area. I started masturbating since I was 9years old. Since then, I constantly masturbated with my right foot in my private area. Because I masturbated with that position for 12 years, I got scoliosis and my pelvis tilted.
What I discovered was that every time i did that, I started to gain 2 kgs. I believe overeating was a factor too because I overate afterwards but it was my body that was worse. My legs tensed up and strained that somehow I realised blood was circulating anymore. My skin color started to change from normal to white, pale skin and in terms of my legs, only the top part because white. So, I tried to give up but I couldnt. I recently did it again (even though I didnt have orgasm). When I did it, I put too much strength on my legs and arm this time that now my arms' skin color changed. (I believe the skin color change is due to cellulite where my collagen elasticity broke down) and I gained 2 kgs again. In total, I gained 10 kgs divide it by 2kgs. (because I did it several times)
I have two questions to ask:
-I want to heal my body especially my cellulite but I dont know whether I should go to a obstetrician[gynecologist] or go to a skin-care doctor.
-Could you tell me how self-masturbation is related to my cellulite by any chance?