I suffer from nervousness for 2 years now after I underwent surgical operation in spine due to herniated disc. My neurologist prescribed zanor 500 mcg, 1/2 tablet daytime and 1/2 tablet night time. For two years, the illness has not been gone, I continue suffering from it. Lately, she told me that antidepressant pill shall be taken with zanor. She gave me feliz s 10, 1/2 tab at night but I could not take its side effects which is nausea and headache so I only take 1/4 of feliz s 10 at night for 3 consecutive days already but I suffer from dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite and I am very sleepy always. Shall I stop taking feliz s 10 mg? I understand that zanor cannot cure my anxiety disorder because it can only numb it. thanx