I woke up this morning around 3am with horrible pelvic pain it, it would come on very strong and then go away but even between the sharp pain, my whole pelvic area hurt.. (I had started my period earlier that day) I then got out of bed and sat on my couch.. The sharp pain kept coming and going and then all of the sudden I got very very cold like shaking, I went back to lay in bed under the covers, I finally fell back a sleep and woke up, still in pain got back out of bed and sat on my couch and the pain kept getting worse, all of the sudden it felt like I had to make bowel movement , I went to the bathroom and did, it was very painful, my whole pelvic area hurt, after I was done I the pain started to go away, my whole pelvic area is still very tender... I don t know if I should go to the doctors or not.. Please help..