Hello, I take a narcotic pain medication oxycodone 10 mg suppositories. I have tried the slow release oxycodone pill, 20 mg twice a day(2 every 24 hours) and I find the supp. Work much better for me. The pills make me feel like I am dozy and a feeling of not being here, (hard to explain) and the supp. I do not have this issue with and the target the pain quickly and last from 5-6 hours. The pills do not last 12 hrs for me and I don't like the fact they go thru my liver, etc. could you pleas tell me why I don't have the issue with the supp. As I do the pills. I HO to a pain specialist, and he increased my suppositories bay small amount as sometimes one supp. Does not suppress the pain,I wait1/2 hr to take another one and that work fines. This does not happen all the time and he does not want to increas the dosage to 20mg supp, as a concern of becoming desensitized to the. I have been on 10 mg for a period of time, due to I ha e IBS and Interstitialcystitus, which I ha e an Interstim Implant for.