I was just diagnosed with CIN3 and I have PMDD, Endometriosis, Protein S deficiency and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. I am 37 with 2 healthy children. I currently take Lexapro, monophasic birth control, Warfarin, and aspirin. The doctor first suggested a LEEP, although knowing I am finished having children and that fact that I need to come off the blood thinner for every procedure suggested I may want to have a hysterectomy taking out only one ovary, the uterus and the cervix because she said I cannot take HRT due to my blood coagulation issues. The only thing that has kept my PMDD in check over the years has been birth control. I tried several times going off the B.C. and each time I ended up bat shit crazy (excuse the language but it describes it perfectly)! My gynecologist also told me I can t be on birth control anymore for the same reasons (coagulation factors). With my blood being controlled with warfarin and a stable INR why would there be any more risk or liability prescribing me birth control? I feel like I would rather eventually die from Cervical Cancer than be a mentally unstable woman for the rest of my life. I m sure I ultimately don t mean that, but that s how afraid I am of my own hormones when they are unbalanced. I m not afraid of cancer but I am afraid of PMDD. PLEASE help me figure something out:-)