Hey, I did an upper about 15 hours ago. I generally do uppers about once every 2 months or so, so I know what to expect. Now, During the day I felt faint and tired, like I expected. Once I got home from my day, my heart was racing wildly. I had my blood pressure and heart rate checked 7 hours after ingestion and my blood pressure was at 142/96 and my BPM was at 120. My chest started hurting pretty bad about 4 hours ago, it's 10:30pm now. Then I felt my arms get a little tingly and warm. After that, the chest pain continued and the palpitations were very noticeable, so much so I could feel it through my shirt and this was about 11-15 hours after the ingestion. My left arm became weak and is kind of having a hard time keeping up with typing, it was more so about 30-40 minutes ago but it's still there. I think I may have felt some neck pain as well but that could have just been me freaking myself out. I feel like I may have just sat through a mild heart attack of sorts. I am rather worried.
(18, male, asthma when I was young, none other, buts in been a while sense last checkup)