Hello Doctors, I have a question. But I actually don t know to whom I should concern or what treatment could be followed for my mother? She is feeling like increased pulses in heart or in stomach area (here I mean she feels like dhak dhak pulsating motion of organs, she herself could not understand if this dhak dhak happens in heart or some where else in abdomen ). Before3-4 month ago, we took her to heart specialists, they tested and said she don t have any problem about heart at all. It may be because of some tensions about family. By the time she reduced eating spicy, oily, onions, garlic. Then she felts good for many days. From last 4 days, she is feeling like before. In addition now she is also feeling that her head is getting heavy and dizziness . Before we checked for her eyes, if it is because of increased eye spects number. But eye and spects number is also fine. But she has a spect number for both near and distant vision . Right now she is using the spect for distant vision. Now I am thinking to a good physician who could detect whats the actual problem or to do whole body examinations but I don t know which techniques are feasible e.g. I was thinking for PET or CT. Please reply me what should I do first? Which kind of physician I should contact? And What should be done in order to do whole body examination? Waiting for your valuable reply guys, Thank you very much.