Last night I bent over to pick something up off the floor and smacked my head on the corner of my wooden footboard on my bed. I now have an indentation abput the size of my fingertip at the impact site, which is the hairline on my forehead. There is no broken skin or bruising. I have been sufferning from allergy and sinus headaches previously, and my headache has not improved with the added impact from last night
I have been taking a lot of naps today, using ice, etc to try to alleviate the pain in my forehead
As the day has progressed the pain is spreading across my forehead, right temple, and now into my cheek/ear area. The pain is low level, constant, and annoying. Numb feeling too. I can't tell if it is more allergy/sinus related or if the crash last night is more serious. The dent in my head is disoncerting, and if it was an infant with a soft scull I would be in the ER