Hello Doctor, and thank you: During the night my husband felt indigestion, stomach bloating , then felt clammy. Made self vomit in order to feel better. Didn t help much until he vomited again about 1.5 hours later. Then felt much better. The part that seems worrisome to me is that just before vomiting the last time, we took his blood pressure . The blood pressure was OK (107/77), but the pulse rate was 92 or so--very high for him. After vomiting, the blood pressure was 132 over something (which I m thinking was probably related to having just vomited), and the pulse rate was 98--still concerning... He is 67 years old, and basically very healthy. He gets exercise several times per week. He does take blood pressure medication and has never had major problems w this. He did eat a large bowl of ice cream with fruit and liqueur on it within an hour of going to bed last night. Should I continue to be concerned about the high pulse rate along with these other symptoms? Is this set of symptoms suggestive of anything really bad--like heart attack or such? Thank you, XXXXX