Hello doctor. My question is, my baby is 11months old now. When she s born there was some spots on her chicks and legs, as per the dr, it was Ethiopic allergy . Later it was removing with use of some medicine. Now again few days ago she starts itching and the rashing spots appear on her face, arm and legs. I took her again to doctor. The dr says this is eczema , infections, mild puller. The dry gave her myteka packet, once a day mixed in food. Since I started the myteka my baby is on very loose mort ions. My question is, basically myteka is given to relief asthma . What is the link between use of myteka and relief of Eczema? I need your guide ness to remove or control my 11 months old baby girl Eczema. Her current body weight is only 8kgs. How can I improve her body weight and health? Her skin is very dry.