Hi Dear ,your baby of 6 months age having fever for past one month with Hb, of 9 gm/dl and lymphocytes 77,diagnosed as
stomach infection.stomach is an organ which is usually not get infected by bacteria or viruses,due to its Ph,only one bacteria infects the stomach that is H,pylori,which doesn't causes fever ,but gastritis.since you have not mentioned any other symptoms,fever along with
lymphocytosis,suggest possibility of a chronic infection,like
tuberculosis,however acute infections like typhoid and viral infections also raises lymphocytes counts,she should be thoroughly investigated for No 1;
typhoid fever,which includes her widal,tes (since one month has passed),
blood culture,and urine culture)No 2 tuberculosis,which include,an ESR,sputum examination,and chest x ray. then accordingly the appropriate antibiotic should be given