Dear Doctor, My kid is 1.2 years and last two days having loose motions and some vomitting. Her stool test reveal some mucus , alkaline PH, blood, and epithelial cells 1-2hpf, pus cells plenty, ova/cyst absent and RBC 8-9 hpf. She has been having fever a day prior to start of loose motions which was suspected to be viral flu for which she is administered paracetamol 120 mg suspension every 6 hrs. Currently fever has subsided but loose motions persist and she is being given Oflox suspension 50 mg, 5ml twice a day. ALso giving her ORS-L though her fluid intake today was only about 500 ml. She is not taking any semi-solid food also. Can she have any milk and milk products before she recovers? My question is whether Enterogermina will help and can be given with antibiotic. Any other advice to help her recover better? Thx. Ambika