Hi Doctor Samuel,
I have an inflamed and itchy right nipple.
I am a 21 year old male, use non-bio washing detergent (therefore we can rule out that), have not been doing a huge amount of exercise (so we rule out joggers nipple), I do suffer from Exczma rather badly all over my biceps, pecs and triceps, up to my neck (therefore it may be this). Other symptoms I am experiencing include it becoming raised off the skin, large bumps (three) have appeared, very sensitive and actually is currently leaving about only 1mm of arolla around the edge of the middle swelling of the nipple where the pain is originating.
In addition to this under my right pec I have a hard lump (noticed yesterday) it was causing some pain - Ibuprofen took the swelling and pain down - currently just a lump, with a small amount of pain. Unsure if this is linked..