I am Samuel Harris I inhaled battery fumes after someone else wrecked my forktruck for six weeks in march 2010. the fumes were strong enough to put holes in my shirts and pants. I had sharp chest pains, swelling of the stomach 6",eyes were uncontroably running,muscle contracting in hands and feet, severe diarea, my mind acted as never before, hallucinations, trances, deep religious experiences, stayed awake for at least 2momths and 4months with maybe and ahour of sleep, ther were streeks on top of my head along with sore swollen bumps, redness around my nose, eyebrows, under my chin. in Kansas City where this accident took place pulmanary doctors refused to see me because under law they can refuse if accident happened at work. The plant doctor was trying to help me and then 2 weeks after my 2nd ambulance to emergency room, I was told he was fired and the medical department would tell me how to locate him, I was told I was responseble for my own medical attention, it gets worse do you still want to help?