Hello jancannell1964,
47 years female -
hormonal change occured in this stage,
menopause occure in t his stage also, in USG scanning-may be found some growth, polyp, thick endometrium,
fibroid (myoma) or some other suspicious growth , in that case better to take biopsy - to confirm tissue diagnosis, in USG scan growth can be see, , growth better seen in transvaginal USG ,,but tissue dignosis confirm on biopsy, in small polyp patient - asymtomatic- no compilants, but growth is there cervix lengh is 9 to 5 cm reduce, polyp associated with
hypertension , some time patient present with weakness, or pelvic pain-, advice -pep smear for women after 40 years to screen
cervical cancer, hope my advice is use ful to you, yhank you.