I am a 34 yr old woman. I have degenerative disc disease , full spinal arthritis (the worst is cervical and thoracic). I have several osteophytes resulting from old fractures to my C1 and (odontoid process?) and my C5-C-6, due to physical abuse . That started the ball rolling on my spine issues. A few years back, I had a nasty blown disc at the L5-S1 level and they also saw bulging disc at the L4 level (along with several other herniations including a central herniation at the C6 level). I had to have surgery right away. The neurosurgeon did a micro disectomy and laminectomy on the L5-S1 (sorry about the spelling). Anyway, it s been almost 3 yrs since the surgery. Since then, I ve had maybe 3-4 periods a year, severe scalp flaking, hair loss, and over the course of 2 months, my rib cage has twisted, my right shoulder dropped, my pelvic bones have severely tilted, my right leg is twisting outward, I ve dropped 20lbs in less than a month, have several lumps in my neck and groin area, my tailbone sticks way out, I have to keep my neck forward to breath and swallow, Ive lost muscle tone in my biceps and shoulders, my clavicle is uneven, Ive lost sensation in my ring and pinkie fingers and overall sensation of the skin on my face, neck, and shoulder blade area, the left side of my jaw is now noticeably larger than the right and the list goes on! I m asking your opinion because at this point, my insurance got messed up and I have to wait over a month to get it back. I want to know if this is an emergency situation or if it can wait for my insurance.