I read your question and I understand your concern.
However a CT is not always necessary after every
head injury. If she feels well she doesn't have to do it at all, avoiding an unnecessary expensive exam and futile
If a CT is performed anyway it is usually done during the first 24 hours when complications usually occur, if those have passed and she's fine there's little chance of hemorrhagic complications, especially in a young person.
Symptoms noted by her or others which could indicate
brain injury are:
-Intense or progressively growing in intensity headache
-Marked or progressively worsening
dizziness with difficulty walking and standing
-Confusion, abnormal behavior
-Weakness of the
limbs on one side
-Doubling of vision or other visual problems
So to sum it up if she develops symptoms CT is urgent, should not wait, if she feels fine skip CT altogether.
I hope to have been of help.