Hello, i m 32 yrs old and i have been diagnosed as IBS since 2006 because of attacks of constipation/diarrhea , theses symptoms was relieved by spasmolytics , but since 4 months i have chronic lower abdominal discomfort , tender left iliac fossa , passing too much flatus ,soft stool , and i lost more than 4 kg in these period ,i did stool culture (normal), and normal CBP , ESR,CRP, i did colonoscopy also 2 days ago , the whole mucosal lining of the colon was normal , except mild non-specific erythema (as my doctor said) found in the terminal ileum , 3 biopsies sent to lab , and i m still waiting for the result , i m asking you for the finding in colonoscopy i mean Erythema , is it necessary to be related to IBD ?