Hi dear and thanks for your query.
uterus didelphys is a type of Müllerian duct anomaly where there is complete duplication of uterine horns as well as duplication of the
cervix, with no communication between them.
Uterus didelphys should be differentiated from a
bicornuate uterus (separation of horns only) .
HSG demonstrates two separate endocervical canals that open into separate fusiform endometrial cavities, with no communication between the two horns.
Each endometrial cavity ends in a solitary
fallopian tube.
If your HSG show that you have bicornuate uterus you can profit with surgery,but while another doctor have concluded that you have didelphys uterus (impossible with one cervix because two separate cervices need to be documented.) better have a MRI that demonstrates two separate uteri with widely divergent apices and two separate cervices.
By doing MRI your follow up doctor can determine exactly type of your uterus and than surgery or not ,because if you will have didelphys uterus you don't need for surgery.
Hence contact with your follow up doctor .
All the best