hello concerned friend.Thanks for writing to HCM.
I read your query and understand your concern.
It would have been easier if you had given the following details.
age of your friend?history of drug intake?other medical history if any?antihypertensives he is taking now and since how long and his range of bp before this elevated bp?any change in dietary habits etc
Coming to your query.
yes,certain drugs can cause such elevation in bp.
mainly some nsaids(non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs ),
migraine meds,
steroids,drugs like the ones used for cough,asthma ,
nasal congestion etc can give rise to the same.Please check if he is on any of the above
Other causes that can cause this will be alcohol consumption,antidepressants,
stress and highly emotional states
i will also recommend doing a renal function test,
thyroid function test and adrenal function test along with
ultrasound abdomen as abnormalities of any of the above can also cause elevated BP
since you have given no names of antihypertensives he is taking,i would advise a strict diet regimen free of caffeine,alcohol etc,and low sodium coupled with good exercise for 30 to 45 minutes and maintaining ideal body weight.
This can reduce BP to controlled levels with the bp meds.sudden lowering of bp is not advised,it should be controlled lowering.
watch out for signs like chest pain/persistent head ache/
vomiting /fever etc
Hope this clarifies and hope this helps.
Please followup if needed.good day