hello, i am 13 years old girl. two of my aunts had breast cancer, one died from it. i have heard that it can be hereditary, so i have been very concerned. i didnt think anyone my age could get cancer. lately i have been having pains. sometimes i have pains on my legs,arms, and back(they last a few minutes then go away). i also had pains in my breast (mostly the left side). just two weeks ago i notice a small rough dry pacth (looks almost like a scab) on my right breast. i do not know how it got there. i dont know if this make since, but i am really concern if it could be any type of cancer. also i have heard of lymph nodes, and if their swollen it could be infection, virus, or some types of cancer. i dont remember the first time i noticed it, but i have a swollen lymph node on the right side of my ear. i would really appreciate the help thanks!