Dear Mumma to be,
The aim of the delivery should be safety of the mother and the baby and not the
vaginal delivery only.
Sudden increase in weight suggests that you have got swelling on the body. Such swelling appears in condition called as
pregnancy induced
high blood pressure. In such conditions, if the blood pressure is too high, the placental blood supply gets jeopardized endangering the life or health of the baby. Such babies may not sustain the uterine contractions since during uterine contractions, the placental blood supply decreases. Hence, your baby's safety within the
uterus will be tested by
ultrasonography and non-
stress test (Manning's score). When the indications that foetus will be more safe outside the uterus than within the uterus appear, then the delivery has to be instituted by
caesarean section. Usually we try to pull on the pregnancy up to 37 weeks or more as by that the foetus has attained fair maturity; however, the foetal condition demands the intervention.
So please do not be under the stress of caesarean section. If at all it is to be done, it will be done for the betterment and safety of the baby.
I hope this has removed the concern of caesarean section from your mind.
I wish you a safe and healthy delivery with a bonny baby to exclusively breastfeed for at least six months.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri