Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. From your history, it appears that she was having left side
partial seizure. Gradually, her seizure episodes are responding to Livipil which is good.
Now coming to your question regarding duration of seizure. If your daughter has been investigated by treating doctor and her
MRI brain is suggestive of some lesion. Then you have to
consult doctor regarding need of surgery. Because brain lesion can be
tumor which is giving rise to seizures. Surgical removal will almost control seizure or significantly reduce seizures and later on cause disappearance. Seizures caused by lesion, are best managed by surgery.
Second possibility is MRI brain is not suggestive of any lesion. It is more common. In such cases, EEG (Electroencephalogram) is also needed to confirm and localise seizure. All investigations reveal no lesion causing seizure, then treatment will be medical only. The doctor will prescribe medication which control seizure completely. You will be asked to follow up regularly to check compliance of drug, drug dose, drug side effects. After completion of 3 year without seizure, the doctor will repeat EEG.
Repeat EEG report may be no seizure focus at all which is best response. In such case, drug will be gradually stopped and most likely, seizure will not occur.
Repeat EEG may be suggestive of previous report like seizure focus present. In such case, doctor may give a trial of tapering drug dose and observation. If no seizures, the drug might be stopped under supervision and regular follow up will be needed to avoid any complications. Or doctor might ask you to give her low dose and check response by repeating EEG and proceeding accordingly.
Hope it will help you. Take care. Thanks.